Global Warming Sceptici FAQ
Volgens een onafhankelijk Canadees Klimatologisch onderzoeksburo is "Global Warming" een mythe, zeker als het door C02 gebeurt.
Belangrijke argumenten:
MYTH: Temperature and carbon dioxide increases over the last century have been abnormally high?
FACT: The CO2 increase was only 0.4% over the last 50 years, rather than the 5% per 100 years quoted by Kyoto. Temperatures have increased around urban areas ("heat islands"), but satellite, balloon and long-term mountain top observations have observed no increase at all.
Q: If CO2 is not the main influence over temperature and climate, what is?
A:With respect to Greenhouse Gases, water vapour makes up on average about 3% of the atmosphere, whereas CO2 is only about 1/100th of that, or 0.03%. Moreover, because of its molecular weight and absorptive capacity, water vapour is 3000 times more effective than CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas. This important fact is rarely mentioned by those attributing climate change to CO2.
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