Climate Change BLOG / Klimaatverandering BLOG Web log about Climate Change, sometimes in Dutch.

20 oktober 2006

Balkenende en Blair schrijven klimaatbrief

"The world is close to a "catastrophic tipping point" on climate change, Tony Blair has warned in advance of a summit of EU leaders. Climate change and energy security are linked and urgent action is needed, the prime minister warns in a joint letter with his Dutch counterpart."

"They say Europe needs to lead the world in changing to a low carbon economy and developing other energy sources. Mr Blair will attend the informal summit in Lahti, Finland, on Friday. In their letter, Mr Blair and Jan Peter Balkenende warn that failure to act will affect economic growth and long-term energy supply and will cause conflict and insecurity."

Bravo voor Balkenende! Volgens mij gaan we in Europa de goede kant op.
