Climate Change BLOG / Klimaatverandering BLOG Web log about Climate Change, sometimes in Dutch.

05 oktober 2006

Ontkennen Broeikaseffect is denken dat de aarde plat is!

Get ready for freak weather, world's polluters told

"The world's top polluting nations were told on Wednesday to prepare for decades of weather turmoil, even if they act now to curb emissions and pursue green energy sources."

"Yet even if countries froze emission levels tomorrow, the world still faces 30 years of floods, heatwaves, hurricanes and coastal erosion, the British government's chief scientific advisor David King, said."

En nu het klapstuk:

"The people in denial now are the equivalent of the Flat Earth Society," British Energy Minister Malcolm Wicks told Reuters in an interview. "Humankind is in a race for life against global warming."

Toch een stuk leuker dan de vergelijking met het ontkennen van de Holacaust die ik steeds vaker onder bloggers zie.
