Climate Change BLOG / Klimaatverandering BLOG Web log about Climate Change, sometimes in Dutch.

05 december 2006

2006 warm, maar niet heetste jaar

"The average temperature in 2006 is likely to be amongst the hottest since records began nearly 150 years ago, giving what seems another example of global warming, experts said on Monday.

Autumn and early winter temperature records have been set from the Alps to Moscow this year, hurting ski resorts but extending growing seasons. Arctic sea ice shrank to near record lows in the summer.

"This year is likely to be in the top five, probably about the fifth warmest worldwide," said David Viner, senior climate scientist at the British University of East Anglia.

But some earlier parts of the year were cooler and experts say that 2006 will not beat all-time global records -- 1998 or 2005 -- since reliable records began in the 1860s.

The U.N.'s World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says the 10 years 1996-2005, with the exception of 1996, are the warmest on record with 1998 the most sweltering.

NASA, by contrast, reckons that 2005 was hottest ahead of 1998."
