Australische boeren plegen massaal zelfmoord.
"AUSTRALIAN farmers driven to despair by the country's worst drought in 100 years are committing suicide in unprecedented numbers. Every four days, saddled with dust-bowl fields and a mountain of debt, one male farmer takes his own life. That suicide rate is double the national average. With an El Nino weather pattern which will bring more dry weather and soaring temperatures on the horizon, and little prospect of rain until early in 2007, rural hope is evaporating like water in Australia's mud-cracked dams and rivers."
In Australie is er nu heel veel discussie over klimaatverandering zeker omdat de mogelijke gevolgen ervan nu heel hard gevoeld worden. Overigens is de Australische overheid nog steeds niet van plan het Kyoto accoord te ratificeren.
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