Climate Change BLOG / Klimaatverandering BLOG Web log about Climate Change, sometimes in Dutch.

23 september 2006

Exxon niet te vertrouwen

Er is nauwelijks een debat over het feit dat het klimaat opwarmt en dat wij mensen daar de oorzak van zijn. Pressiegroepen gesponsord door "Big Money" laten ons in twijfel. Overigens wordt dit ook al aangehaald in "inconvienant truth" van Al Gore.

"There is a “false sense somehow that there is a two-sided debate going on in the scientific community” about the origins of climate change, said Bob Ward, the senior manager for policy communication at the Royal Society.

The reality is that “thousands and thousands” of scientists around the world agree that climate change is linked to greenhouse gases, he said, with “one or two professional contrarians” who disagree."
