Big Business omarmt Zonne-energie
"Solar energy’s biggest fans concede that the high investment costs have kept companies from pursuing what is arguably the cleanest, most renewable and least politically sensitive energy source around.
But now, General Motors and a small but growing number of other companies and municipalities are getting solar energy from systems installed by others. Even though the installations are right on their own roofs, they buy the electricity much as they would from a utility’s grid. And because the companies that paid for the systems will get a steady income, they can provide power from the sun at competitive electricity rates."
Bedrijven willen wel zonne-energie kopen maar ze er willen er niet voor investeren lijkt me wel logisch. Voor de meeste bedrijven is energieopwekking nu eenmaal niet de core business.
En volgens een zekere Bradford zijn dit soort zaken nog maar het begin:
"Many people both inside and outside government are promoting renewable energy, but the belief that a renewable-energy economy will not happen without greater government support — as environmentalists too often argue — is wrong," he writes.
"The shift will happen in years rather than decades and will occur because of fundamental economics."
"Bradford says the primary reasons for the inevitable dominance of solar energy in the "energy portfolio" of the world, is the demonstrated cost-effectiveness of photovoltaic cells (PV) to generate and distribute electricity.
Dus wil je rijk zonnepanelen diensten gaan introduceren.
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